What started it all was when Roslan Karimudin set up the Jublintan65 on this site, and I wanted to make a comment. It required me to be a member. I thought if this the case then, I might as well join and use whatever facilities provided and hence this WooeR site. It will come handy, when I too want to send photos to friends for whatever reasons prevail. I welcome comment from friends too.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Thursday, October 14, 2004
I cannot help but recollect the year 1972 when the name Ohchi Nakamura was mentioned. This was during the auspicious Time-Cobra Invitational 10s 2004 Press Conference, recently at the PJ Hilton on 9th August 2004 by our YB Dato’ Azmi Khalid, the Organising Chairman. He speaks proudly of this one singled out Japanese Player that Cobra had in the Seventies.
In early 1972, I first joined to play for Cobra. I had just finished my High School Certificate at the Malay College Kuala Kangsar and awaiting application to further studies at ITM, when a senior MCOBA member Shahid Majid, introduced me to the Club. Shahid had befriended me during the previous year’s 1971 Old Boys Weekend, when he played for the Old Boys against our Present players in a Rugby game. He played Scrum Half and I, Hooker.
It was also during the first training with Cobra at University Malaya Rugby Field that I made a drastic change in my playing position to the back line. I tried out Centre, Wing and Full Back (where later I ended up comfortably as an Outside Centre). After the training I and another student member Alex Liew, were invited by Dato’ Aziz Ismail to his house, just outside the Campus for a drink. That was our induction to the Club.
Dato’ Aziz Ismail then confided in me if I knew anyone who could play Srum Half because Shahid had fractured his leg, and he needed a reserve player for his Selangor and Malaysian Team. Mind you, 1972 would have been Dato’ Aziz Ismail’s 17th year playing for our National Rugby Team. So, that’s how I managed to convince my ex-classmates, Azmil Zainal Abidin (Mok), a Scrum Half, and Zainol Abidin Darus (Non) to join Cobra the same year. Non and Mok were our Captain and Vice Captain respectively, in my 1971 MCKK School Team.
To cut the story short, Cobra in 1972 had 3 teams. Two teams, Cobra Yellow and Cobra Blacks, participated in the Division One League and Cobra Fangs in the Division Two. Touring 15-a-side games would be the Annual Games against Penang All-Blues in Penang and Singapore Blacks in Singapore. Later, the game against Kuantan Tiger in Kuantan was added. Carnival games would be the Cobra 10’s and Jonah Jones at KL Padang, Penang 10’s at Penang and the NS Sevens at Seremban. Cobra would play together in one team when touring and of course with plenty of reliable players by the sideline. Those were the days.
The story that most of us are very fond is of Ohchi Nakamura. He worked and lived in Malacca. He would sometimes come for training with us at UM Field and play competition games. Cobra President then was the late Kim Tai, who owned “The Bistro” in Jalan Gasing and “The Cellar” in Jalan Barat, where Syed Restaurant now located. The Cellar had a basement disco and a ground floor restaurant. So those were where most Cobra members used to hang-out after a training or game.
In one incident that year, 1972, Ohchi had made an earlier arrangement with Kim Tai, for the bus to pick him by the roadside, near the Old Road off Malacca junction, on our way to play Singapore Blacks. Kim Tai may have forgotten or could be that the journey started late, that he had directed the bus to go a different route. And only after we arrived at Singapore, did we realise that Ohchi had been left behind and could still be waiting by the roadside. But in those days, there was no way we could make immediate contact to Ohchi. Kim Tai gravely admitted his mistake and considered nothing more could be done that night and instead continued with organising the squad for lodging and next day’s plan.
Come next day and whilst we were preparing to play at the pitch, in walked Ohchi with his baggage and that “for-ever smiling face”. He made light of the incident and continued to enjoy the game. He was a jovial and fun-loving person to be with; who would sometimes brought the guitar along to entertain the team during tours.
Most of us could still never figure out until now, where he stayed in Petaling Jaya, whenever he was here with us for trainings or games. But one thing we do remember strongly about him was that he broke one tooth in a game he played for Cobra.
Ohchi Nakamura also went to play Penang 10’s with Cobra, when we had two participating teams. In fact, in 1972, he was everywhere we went and the fondest person in our Cobra Club. He could even be our first Japanese player that we had.
So, to Ohchi Nakamura wherever you are, we Cobra still love you!
(I attach here a photo of Cobra at the 1972 Penang Tens, played at Penang Free School. Ohchi sent this picture after he left us and went back to Japan.)
The picture has in it: the late Ashroff (Cobra 1st President), the late Brian Pestana (who died in the plane crash with the late Kim Tai), the late Busu, Dennis Pestana, Kai Yong, Zainol Darus, Ronnie Yeoh, Safa, Ohchi, Harris Beh, Jack Lee, Rosli, Ahmad Mahmud, Jagjit, Benny, etc, etc….
Story told by Rosli Dato’ Mohd. Ali.

Ohchi Nakamura with the COBRA Team at the
PENANG TENS 1972, played at Penang Free School.
Sunday, October 03, 2004
WooeR reports Golf for MCOBA Class 69. Sunday, Oct.3, 2004
WooeR reports Golf for MCOBA Class 69. Sunday, Oct.3, 2004
Yesterday, MCOBA Class 68 slaughtered the Class 69 Team at Golf in Seremban 3 amidst the 1.30 pm soaring heat. The score was rather too embarrassing that the Class 68 Organisers would not disclose the total to us. Not that we worry so much about that, because our representatives Johari Amat and Rashid Hassan were there too, to witness when Kamal Adzham (Ogo) did the counting.
The humiliation though, tells us that we have to buck up and it reminds us to look at how serious are we, at wanting to win Golf, if ever we are about it. This is especially so when we also lost to Class 67 last month at Kajang Hill, by only 5 points and prior to that earlier this year, was butchered by Class 70.
Apart from these three inter-batches, we did not perform well at the G8 (MCOBA Golf Tournament between Classes 65 to 72) at KLCC, in March this year. And, I do admit that I could be the main culprit, in all these events.
Why so, say I?
In participating, its not just about making numbers, it is on how prepared are we individually that culminates into our team performance, to make all look good. (When preparing players for rugby, I would always advise each member, to be ready mentally or physically, or otherwise not step into a game. This is so that you’ll not get hurt individually, apart from your team getting the discomfort of your performance.) It’s the morality in any sport.
Now, have we learned our lesson?
No, not so say I. I blame it on my friends for not taking me to enough game. Like rugby, golf is a game that can only be learned through experiences, not by plenty of driving range practices. It is a game for resolving “situational complexities”, although not unlike rugby where quick decision is a major factor, in golf it’s more of being calculative albeit slower, giving each player a chance to think within time and mode of play. The truth that although no physical bodily opponents are present as in rugby, but in golf, nature of lie and distance are always to be taken seriously into consideration, apart from the Course Management. That’s where experiences can inculcate into each one’s self-belief.
What now?
Okay, okay on yesterday’s Game.
First let me inform you that I had to beg Dato’ Ahmad Fuad Ibrahim to pay for my yesterday’s golf game. Only those present at the Front Desk would have heard this, including Rashid Hassan, Shamsuddin Dosak and Ramly Yusof. So, thank him for this report.
I was told that this country wants to create more good leaders, and so tested times were put onto us. We were stressed into this challenge at Seremban3, competition like, whereby winners will be determined but not gloat and that, like in any game, losers are to keep their heads together and not heart controls over brain.
This competitive culture is good for the Koleq boys where team events cannot be undertaken alone. Calibre players would henceforth come to the fore to systematically inculcate innovation and motivate the best from all departments to show prowess in their own fort. The investment is for richness in all of us undivided and to provide harvest of fortune for win-win situations; the idea is to keep helping each other for personal solitude, better returns and among all, friendship.
We are a force, and like it or not, winners breed winners. And, all these can be gained, given time. If all help each other, to regain respect for everyone, there should be no failures in our group. In reality, that is what all these competitions are about.
(Note: See pictures that each tells its own story.)
Last message received before the Challenge Game:
Subject: FW: Our Opponents on Oct 2 at PV
To: daman@ranhill.com.my, makata7@pd.jaring.my, malek.omar@power.alstom.com, malek.omar@crn.alstom.com, ws217@hotmail.com, mahmud1951@yahoo.com, mahmud@frim.gov.my, yeop1.0@lycos.com, hatta@mail.hukm.ukm.my, selasih4u@hotmail.com, selasih@pd.jaring.my, assa5@tm.net.my, Samdos@noex.com.my, titj@tm.net.my, sudin_50@hotail.com, "Hamid Abdul Samad"
CC: rosliali52@hotmail.com, rosliali52@yahoo.com
From: "Shamsudin Dosak"
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2004 15:04:26 +0800
Attached is an e-mail from Rosli Ali...................... Looks like they have a strong squad!!!!!!!
Mahmud: your services are required.Pls e-mail or SMS your reply that youcan make it. Diaorang tu dari Pahang pun datang juga(Datuk Fuad)!Orang kitapun apa kurangnya. Dave, Ipoh mali dan Ramli all the way from JB. I willtherefore be disappointed if I do not receive a positive reply fromyou.................
Nik Ismail : they have a lady golfer and therefore you should consider cancelling your Saturday night golf with Aida and join us,if possible. Thenwe can possibly arrange the 2 couples under 1 flight.
Rosli: fyi, below is the handicap of our players shown in bracket: -
Tee-box # 1: 1st Flight - Malek(11)/Ramly(14) 2nd flight - Ogo(16)/Adnan(18) 3rd flight - Mohiyudi(18)/Damanhuri(22) 4th flight - Bakar CM(23)/Kamal Yeop(24)
Tee-box # 10: 1st Flight - Nazri(13)/Ismail Hashim(14) 2nd flight - Halili(15)/Khairu(15) 3rd flight - Samdos(17)/Mohamad M.N.(18)
You can arrange your guys to fit in the flights accordingly.
We can discussthat tommorrow. -----
Forwarded by Shamsudin Dosak/NOMA_KL/MY on 10/01/04 02:51 PM ----- "Rosli Mohd. Ali" To 10/01/04 01:30 PM http://aa.f540.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=Samdos@noex.com.my&YY=39328&order=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a&head=b
cc Subject FW: [jublintan65] Class 68 v 69 Golf Challenge, Seremban3
Enclosed my message to our group.
We are coming up with 16 players as listed.
Anyway don't worry, as the bottom 2 are just to make-up the numbers, as requested by our Rashid Hassan. If anything, kindly revert to him. His number down bottom.
Rosli Principal: Ar Rosli Dato' Mohd. Ali
Mailing Address: 4 Jalan 12/11, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Phone/Fax: 603-79543654 2nd Line: 603-79578473 Mobile: +6019-2804995 >
From: "Rosli Mohd. Ali" http://aa.f540.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=rosliali52@yahoo.com&YY=39328&order=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a&head=b
>Subject: [jublintan65] Class 68 v 69 Golf Challenge, Seremban3
>Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 19:31:18 +0100 (BST)
>Lank, What happens?Your name and Mok are conspicuously missing from the list. And so do Jed,Nik Aziz and WanPeng. Kenapa, takut hilang banyak bola ke?..when you can use pebbles.
Date: 2nd OCTOBER 2004 (Saturday)
Tee-Off: 1.30 PM
Anyway, received plenty of calls from Rashid.And, here's the List of Participants from our Class 69.
1. Lt. Kol. Dato' Mohd. Sidek Ahmad2. Dato' Abdullah Sani Abd. Hamid3. Dato' Ahmad Fuad Hj. Ibrahim
4. Aznam Tan Sri Abdullah (Captain)5. Hj. Bastamam Hamzah6. Tarmizi Abu Hanipah7. Johari Amat
8. Mohd Salleh Osman9. Mohd. Zahar Samad10. Mohd. Samad Nordin11. Hj. Imran Idris
12. Kamarulzaman Yusof13. Datin Anne Sidek (Guest)14. Abdul Rashid Hassan15. Rosli Dato' Mohd. Ali
16. Wan Hamzah (Tentative) *CONFIRM
So you other guys, who think you are more qualified to play, kindly ContactRashid Hassan at 012 3737881 I believe the more of us there, the better and more choices for winningresult.
The first message received:
From : Shamsudin Dosak
Sent : Friday, October 01, 2004 11:55:10 AM
To : daman@ranhill.com.my, makata7@pd.jaring.my, malek.omar@power.alstom.com, malek.omar@crn.alstom.com, ws217@hotmail.com, mahmud1951@yahoo.com, mahmud@frim.gov.my, yeop1.0@lycos.com, hatta@mail.hukm.ukm.my, selasih4u@hotmail.com, selasih@pd.jaring.my, assa5@tm.net.my, Samdos@noex.com.my, titj@tm.net.my, sudin_50@hotail.com, Hamid Abdul Samad
CC : rosliali52@hotmail.com, rosliali@yahoo.com
Subject : MCOBA 68/70 Annual Championship cum Match Against MCOBA 69/71 - Important and Final Details
1. Be at Paradise Valley GR and register at 1:00PM at the Registration
Table.Although we booked for our flights to start at 1:30PM we should try
to tee-off earlier(in order to finish earlier) should we have the flight
members to tee-off earlier than scheduled,if possible.I will collect the
RM100 + RM30(pool) from you then.
2. Stroke play but with double par the max score for any hole.Pls pick up
your ball if the next stroke would give you the "double par" score.
3. MCOBA 69/71 will also have 14 golfers.Therefore, there will be a
combined 7 flights with 4 flights to tee-off from Tee-box # 1 and 3 flights
to tee-off from Tee-box # 10.My proposed flight arrangements will be as
Tee-box # 1:
1st Flight - Malek/Ramly
2nd flight - Ogo/Adnan
3rd flight - Mohiyudin/Damanhuri
4th flight - Kamal Yeop/Bakar CM
Tee-box # 10:
1st Flight - Nazri/Ismail Hashim
2nd flight - Halili/Khairu
3rd flight - Samdos/Mohamad M.N.
4. 10 best gross score from each team to be selected and compared to decide
on the Match Winner(Gross Score) and 10 best net score from each team to be
selected and compared to decide on the Match Winner(Net Score).No Trophy or
prizes for this.
4. After the game, I suggest we shower first before we proceed to Lotus
Cafe for dinner and prize presentation!
5. Rosli Ali suggested that the pool money be combined and the top 3 for
each nine to win their share of the combined pool money.I think we should
agree with the proposal...................
Pls find attached the Prize List for the MCOBA 68/70 Annual Championship.
(See attached file: MCOBA 68.doc)